Inspiration & Motivation
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.
Spiritual Inspiration
Towards Self-Discovery
Mindful Families
Book Business
Make Space for your Authentic Life
Clearing out ‘old stuff’ can be most cathartic! I guess I’m in the mood after spending 2 weeks at a retreat and it feels like a new beginning is happening for me. I’ve written lately about living a more minimalist life here and so I’m trying to incorporate those findings into how I live my life.
Being Your Real Self
A Path to Self Acceptance
Connecting with our Inner Child is a pathway to self
Mindfulness as a Vehicle for Finding Our True Purpose
Ways to Find Your Real Self
My introduction to finding my real self began when I learned to meditate ten years ago. I adopted a regular twice daily, twenty-minute session of Transcendental Meditation that brought me into silence with myself. If now I miss a session I feel the difference!
Start your journey
In 60 minute, online sessions, work with Lea one-on-one as she supports you on your path towards living a life that reflects your authentic self.