Self- Discovery Circle: My New eBook for Women


When I wrote and published my children’s book, Making Mindful Magic little did I know that my path would lead me to writing about self-discovery for women. Ironically, writing that book for children was a significant step in my own self-discovery journey, as I opened to the creativity that lay hidden, dormant inside me.

I found as I became more mindful myself and practiced the techniques, that I not only connected more with the moment I was in but I also connected more deeply with myself. Especially those times spent in meditation drew me further towards the discovery of my real self, the one that had often been in hiding as I allowed expectations from society and others to dictate the person I was supposed to be rather than the person I really was and wanted to be. Living a life that doesn’t reflect us is not sustainable and I found in myself that it leads to discontent and feeling unfulfilled.

 I realised the more I was prepared to spend quiet time alone with myself, the more I craved it. I made time for the space to be with myself, to learn about myself and to feel at peace with that I discovered. I was in fact practising self-love on a deep level, without even realising it.

I became drawn to tools that helped propel me forward on this self-discovery journey, one that has certainly not concluded. It is a continuum with no end but the journey is glorious, often challenging but always rewarding. This is also true for when we feel brave enough to use what we find and accept about ourselves as a means to reflect our true selves in the way we live our lives. This to me is why we are on the self-discovery path – ultimately leading a life that reflects ourselves is the way to happiness.

My new eBook, Self-Discovery Circle: Inspiring and creative activities for women, is a guide to engaging in a range of inspiring, creative activities to help us to learn about ourselves. The tools outlined in the eBook are those I have found rewarding personally on my own self-discovery path and want to share with you, including:

  • Meditation

  • Journaling

  • Experimental art

  • Movement to music

  • Engaging with crystals, essential oils, sound experimentation, oracle cards

  • Connection with nature

  • Reading inspirational texts


 Some activities, like meditation, inspirational texts and nature connection will help you appreciate and become more comfortable with creating the quiet space within to connect with yourself more fully and to perhaps open to a different point of view. Others like experimental art and movement to music will invite you to a place where you can feel the freedom to express yourself without the fear of judgment or expectation. Putting your thoughts on paper by journaling will help you express issues that are forefront in your life, perhaps past issues or things that bring you passion and joy.

The element of play leads us into our experimentation with crystals, oils, singing bowls and oracle cards which we approach with a spirit of child-like curiosity and wonder that is often so far removed from the responsibility and routine of our daily lives as women.


Women can use this book in many different ways – alone or with a group of like-minded women. You can use one single activity at a time or build a series of them as I did in the women’s circle workshop that was the inspiration for this book. You will be guided in ways to maximise the benefits from these activities.

This book is for you if you feel that you need more time to spend with yourself, learning about yourself. Consider using it also if you feel there is a part of you that is needing to be honoured and is being held within for any number of reasons. Perhaps you just like the sound of trying new experiences and are curious. If you recognise already that there is a relationship between leading a life that more fully reflects who you are and feeling satisfied, contented and happy, then this book is also for you.

I'm excited to share with you the tools that have helped me on my own self-discovery journey and it is my sincerest wish that by learning more fully who you are and using what you find in your life that you will find greater contentment.

Download your free sample of Self-Discovery Circle: Inspiring and creative activities for women, my new eBook here

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