Mindfully Working Together

Louise Lea Katie Mary Ryans Launch.jpg

We’ve done some revamping of our website and one of the new elements we’ve created is a ‘Work with Us’ tab. (put the link here) Those of us who are working to create change on an organic level are part of a big universal picture to create a world that can be better for all of us. Our individual influence increases when we collaborate and work together to spread our message further.

Strange how things can trigger us into thinking more openly and broadly. Recently my choir has been rehearsing to perform the Michael Jackson song, Heal the World, (can we put in a link here?) for a Rotary International conference. Just physically singing this song is an inspiration in itself but the sense of group well-being it fosters literally brings goosebumps to me. The fact we are singing this for a Rotary event is even more significant – here is a group who have at their core the goal to make the world a better place. And they do it by joining forces and working collaboratively!

Our offer to collaborate with others in our digital neighbourhood is part of this knowledge that things happen more significantly and with more universal joy and understanding if we work together. Our following isn’t huge but it’s building and that is where many of our followers are as well.  What we have in common is a genuine desire to make the world a better place. 

We’ve been thrilled by the response we’ve received and we’ll be doing more sharing with our peers so you can also learn about the inspiring work others are doing. By engaging with them as well, we widen our own experiences and opportunities for growth for ourselves and our children. The flow-on effect and the very real opportunity we have to together change the world is very real if we continue to broaden our umbrella of understanding.

We also love the connection we feel when we engage with like-minded souls; it’s a very human need to be part of a whole. We weren’t designed to be without it. It’s a little like creating our own digital community where we can share experiences and it’s uplifting to think that much-maligned technology in this case, can work towards social interaction in a very positive way.

We at Making Mindful Magic, have a mission to bring mindfulness to children and families by inspiring the significant adults in children’s lives – the parents, the teachers, the care-givers - to experience a slower, calmer, more focused way of living and to bring that message to the children in their lives. We know there are many others who share our passion and invite you to join us on the journey.


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