A More Peaceful After-school Routine
My 85-year-old mother was recently lamenting childhood lost! When she was a girl she told me, you walked home from school to your mum with your neighbours and brothers and sisters, had a little something to eat and then everyone met up and played together until dark!
Many of today’s first world children are a long way removed from that lifestyle but maybe by making small changes to our busy lives we could try and recapture a little part of a slower life.
Could changes be made just one day a week with no extra-curricular activities at all? Could fifteen or thirty minutes a day be found for running free outside instead of straight to the television or the homework desk?
If after-school care is part of your family’s routine then maybe your children already have a peaceful after-school routine with lots of running free but if it is filled with set activities maybe you could persuade their carers to include more free play time!
Can a more yesteryear childhood be reclaimed little by little? Taking a slower approach will invite the whole family to be calmer and less stressed.