Discovering and Nurturing our Children’s True Nature
One of our challenges is to seek, accept and nurture our children’s true selves as we help them become the best version of themselves on all levels, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. This is different to encouraging them to be the person who can make the most money or have the most prestigious career, as western society often demands. If it is truly not in a person’s nature to be following a particular career-orientated path then it is likely disconnection from themselves and a withering of their spirit will result.
Finding who we really are is a recurring theme for me and one that leads me to various questions about me personally. I find myself at times feeling empty and I believe it happens to all of us when we abandon the path we need to be on to find fulfilment and contentment. It is equally true for children and adults.
As part of that self-discovery search, I invariably find myself aligning with books that point me in that direction, to open a pathway to a new insight. This is how I found ‘Archetypes’ by Caroline Myss. It’s a fascinating read as she explores patterns of behaviour that help you identify with a broad personality type or types – we have a combination. Upon reading the types you quickly learn to identify yourself as she explores ways those types manifest themselves in our own lives. Her ongoing theme is we must honour our archetypes to be in peace and harmony.
Here’s an example of how this works for me and it can be applied to each and every one of us, including children. I’ve lately been feeling a little hollow – it’s holiday season, there is little structure in my life as many of my regular groups, mostly music related, are closed for the season. I went back to the question ‘what is the essence of me that leads me to feeling full rather than empty?’ Thanks to Caroline Myss and Archetypes, I learnt that my predominant archetypes are Artist/Creative, Spiritual Seeker and Caregiver. So I engaged with myself on that level, allowing the real authentic me to come out and play, to engage with my version of the real world and suddenly I felt free and satisfied and joyful again! I wrote a lot, I painted, I let myself get lost in the joy of the natural world where it is easy for me to connect with my spiritual self. In short, I filled myself up with my real self and let the hollow accept what it needed and I ate it up whole!
As a mother, the Caregiver archetype will always be part of me and although all of my three adult children are not physically near, they remain emotionally close and I can continue to be the care-giver on another level. I can be the ear to simply listen and give advice if asked. It is all care giving and sending love and care can be just as powerful if you open to the idea.
The true care-giver accepts what she finds in other people, including her children. As a parent recognising your child’s archetypes and honouring them is a gift to your child on a very powerful level. Instead of always feeling like a square peg in a round hole, they will be blessed if you help them recognise themselves and help steer them in the direction of finding their proper fit in life! As you read Archetypes it’s easy to spot those patterns in others as well, so this book is a marvellous resource for parents, teachers and caregivers to use to support the children in their lives.