Raising the consciousness of children with beauty
Dr David Hawkins was an internationally renowned psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, spiritual lecturer, best selling author and mystic. He is perhaps most famous for developing the Map of Consciousness, where different levels of consciousness and everything in our universe, they're all mapped on a scale from low to high (lots to Google on this topic!).
In his audio book, The Discovery , he comments that he has been asked many times how to raise the consciousness of children. Something I wish I had thought about when my children were young but these are different times we're living in!
Hawkins explains that we have many more neurons in our brains than we need or use. When we flood our brains with beauty, surrounding ourselves with it, it activates more and more of these neurons, and then in turn raises our level of awareness.
So the idea is to flood children with beauty to raise their level of awareness and consciousness from a young age.
He elaborated that music, art and literature were all exposed to him as a child, long before he could understand the content. But the mere exposure to that beauty, he believes, raised his level of consciousness as a child. The idea seems somewhat linked to the idea of playing music to children whilst they're still in the womb if you ask us!
We take heart from these thoughts and suggest that no matter what age your child, exposing them to beauty – the beauty of language, art, music and nature – all contribute in a positive way to children’s development.
We like to think Making Mindful Magic has a place in the heart and mind of any aged child – all will benefit from listening to the language in the verses and from enjoying the colourful illustrations.
And we also like to think that many of the experiences set out in the book - like 'Find Stars', 'Paint' or 'Watch Waves' - encourage children and adults to go out and surround themselves with beauty in natural and creative surroundings.
Sharing beauty through poetic verses and artistic illustrations, I suppose this is what parents have been sharing with their children all along with picture books. I hope you may consider our book to be something that will be uplifting for your children.
Making Mindful Magic is available for purchase through our shop for Australian and international orders. Purchase the book