Be Fearless
I pull a daily oracle card and this one keeps repeating itself. It’s BE FEARLESS! The universe is pushing me away from the easy and the familiar, to test myself instead with the unknown.
Occasionally if I wake in the middle of the night, I wonder what am I doing packing up my belongings and putting them in storage, letting my lease go and leaving the security of family and friends, a routine I know and places I'm familiar with?
Then I remember why! For however long I go, I want to be self-reliant, to trust myself fully and to live a life that reflects me. I have travelled a lot during my 61 years but have always had the familiar to return to after a trip. Now I feel motivated to experience life without the backdrop of what is familiar and safe.
This is a perfect opportunity to trust my intuition. Although some of my time will be spent with others, there will be many opportunities to connect with myself and I relish the idea of time to myself, for myself, instigated and implemented by me, using my intuition as my guide.
Eventually I’ll end up in Italy for as many months as a visa can be negotiated for. I’ve had a love affair with this country for a long time so it seems perfect that I go there to engage with whatever I find. I don’t intend to be reckless but I do intend to be adventurous and open to new people, new experiences and a different way of living for however long it lasts.
Plans? For this latter part of my time away at least, I haven’t any, other than finding a place to live that feels right. I want to trust my own intuition but I also want to be open to the plans the universe has for me and I don’t think I can fully open to them with the security and familiarity that makes life so easy and comfortable. I’m being drawn to live my own authentic life. I feel it in my bones that relying on myself is a big part of the process but so is believing that the universe is sending me plans, is watching over me and is with me. We’re in this together.