A Mindful Christmas: a gift to your children


One of the themes very close to our hearts is the idea that life is better when we are mindful of  how we are living our lives, the choices that we make and the messages we send our children by doing this.

That is why from time to time you’ll see articles like sole-tasking and recycling glass jars – to get us thinking about making mindful choices in our daily lives rather than doing what we’ve always done without any real purpose or thought behind it.

All families have issues centred on providing our families with material possessions. Most of these are of course very well founded – we need to eat, we need to provide shelter and education, healthcare and many other necessary physical needs. But first world families have a unique problem where  ‘needs’ can actually just be ‘wants’. Christmas time is a perfect time to explore this.

As adults it can be easy to assume that children will just understand what Christmas is all about but let’s not fall into that trap. Let’s instead be mindful about how we celebrate Christmas ourselves and purposefully share with them whenever we can that the Christmas tradition is much more than the presents are under the Christmas tree.


Holding my own Space


15 Mindful Activities for Parents and Teachers to Practice with Kids