Inspiration & Motivation
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.
Spiritual Inspiration
Towards Self-Discovery
Mindful Families
Book Business
5 Ways to Re-ground
It’s Monday morning as I write this and I just had a really fun weekend - I played tourist in another city with friends!
Your Choices Matter!
Mindful Living is all about the choices you make and one of those is definitely who, what and where you choose to share your time and space with.
Being Grateful is Being Present
I saw a photo on Instagram this morning that inspired me – arms outstretched towards the camera and the backdrop the setting sun over mountains and valleys with the caption, ‘Grateful Sundays’!
Being in the Present Moment with Eckhart Tolle
If you’re reading this blog then I think we are in agreement that some more mindfulness in our lives is a good thing. I was privileged to see how that can happen in real life a few nights ago when my daughter, Louise and I joined a large crowd to attend an evening with Eckhart Tolle at the Brisbane Convention Centre.
Spending More Time in Nature is a Mindful Choice
“Whether it be a stream, a forest, a mountain or the sea, connecting with nature’s intelligence will give you a sense of unity with all of life and help you to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being.” Deepak Chopra The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
Mindfulness in other cultures can be our Teacher
When I travel what I most love is noticing how people live their lives and what strikes me about here is that people need to really be mindful as a necessity of living and on a daily basis.
‘Silent Time’ for Mindfulness
Last week I had the absolute joy of experiencing a week on retreat. There was a lot of sharing throughout but when we weren’t in session, we were asked to remain in silence. This included no media at all, not even books to distract ourselves from our purpose in being there. I found it to be a very special opportunity to focus on me and to really be with myself and to mindfully engage in whatever I happened to be doing at the time.
Take a Mindful Moment
3 Sure Ways to Feel Calm
Look to Our Elders to be Mindful
Start your journey
In 60 minute, online sessions, work with Lea one-on-one as she supports you on your path towards living a life that reflects your authentic self.